Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sacrament meeting

Michael loves to do puzzles during sacrament meeting and enoch loves to color or practice writing. They both spent half the meeting working on these in the picture. At the end of the meeting enoch wasnt done yet and got stressed out that he didnt have time to finish, so he started scribbling in the last letter. Enoch also was playing adorably with Peter. Some of his happiest moments seem to come when he is playing with peter.

During the sacrament today, Enoch also said, quite loudly, daddy I got a big one! Truly, he did grab a big piece of bread.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Enoch is funny!

1, I was adding honey to my oatmeal this morning.
Enoch: Mommy, do you know who likes to eat honey?
I: Well, then do you know who likes to eat honey?
Michael: The pooh bear
I: Michael is right, it's pooh bear.
Enoch: No, it's not right.
I: Then who do you think like to eat honey?
Enoch: US!! :)

2, Lindsey Harper and her kids Violet and Charlie came to play.
Lindsey sneezed.
Enoch: Sister Harper, What did you do?
Lindsey: I just sneezed.
Enoch: Why do you sneeze?
Lindsey: Cause my nose is itching.
Enoch: Why?
Lindsey: Cause...
Enoch: Is that because you are not pretty?
Haha Sorry Lindsey but it's funny!

3, After our friends left,

Enoch: It's not fun to have a friend over.
Me: It's not fun?
Enoch: Yes
Me: Why?
Enoch: Because I don't like them to break my bridge (build with duplo). 
Me: OK...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hairy arms

Enoch keeps asking me why I have hair and spots on my arms. I tell him it's so I can stay warm and look cool.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

8 again

Today enoch counted his grapes and said he had 8 grapes at dinner. Then he ate one. Then he counted his grapes and said ζˆ‘εˆζœ‰8δΈͺ! The idea that he miscounted the first time was way over his head πŸ˜ƒ

Friday, February 14, 2014

wake up

Enoch refused to get out of his bed after his nap. I started to make dinner and thought that I should wake up Enoch so he doesn't stay late tonight. I told Michael to get Enoch up and Michael went, came back saying that Enoch is too tired. I then asked Michael to go again, and tell Enoch that I would take away his bunny if he doesn't get up. Michael refused to go this time. I could not leave the kitchen at the time, so I was thinking how I could get Michael to do this job for me and that I could also get Enoch up. So I remembered that Michael had finished his valentines (some chocolate), and Enoch's is still on the table. So I told Michael to ask Enoch if he could have Enoch's valentines... And Michael got up from playing and excited ran to their room to ask Enoch. 10 seconds later I saw Enoch came running, he said "Michael can not eat my valentine." Haha I found just the solution!

Monday, February 3, 2014


I had the hiccups today for about an hour and a half. It was the first time I've had hiccups in years. Enoch and Michael thought it was hilarious! Every 7 seconds, a hiccup would come, and they would burst out laughing. I was trying to do the dishes and supervise them as they cleaned up the toys. Needless to say, with all the laughing it took a long time to do anything. It was a wonderful evening.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Pooping by myself

Once at Grandma and Grandpa's house, and once here, Sharon and I have been about to go to bed only to discover poop in the little frog potty. Usually Enoch just pees in there and poops on the big toilet, and then we wipe his bottom. So it was no surprise when we checked on him, he was sleeping peacefully like he always does, but when we pulled down his pants there was poop everywhere. The next day he had little recollection of any of it, although he did seem slightly embarrassed. Poor guy just gets so tired and doesn't know what to do.