Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Story time boycott

I went with Enoch to story time at the library. Many songs are sung there, which Enoch often sings at home. It's interesting, however, that he never sings along or dances or participates in any way during the actual story time at the library. The whole time he was looking down at the ground.

I think he's probably too young to feel that it's not cool, so it seems that he's just extremely shy or embarrassed to participate.

The interesting part is that Michael does the exact same thing. And Michael is often very outgoing, so I wonder if it's a behavior he has learned from Enoch. Or is he also shy, too? Or do both boys just think the whole thing is dumb?

The thing is, if I were them I probably wouldn't want to participate, either. As far as I can remember, I've always thought that kind of thing is dumb. But my memory is really shaky going back to when I was 3, and I would assume 2 and 3 year olds are too young for thoughts like that.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Enoch saw the blueberries on the cover of the cereal box today. He was really excited about having blueberries in his cereal and was sorely disappointed when I told him there weren't actually any in the box. Deceiving, I know.

Monday, June 24, 2013

On the moon

I found a fun children's book about going to the moon at the library called On the Moon. Enoch really likes it and reads with us and by himself often. It starts with a little girl pretending to be an astronaut, then it details rockets going into space, then a bit about what the moon is like, and then blasting back off to Earth.

I think this book has blown Enoch's mind. It's like reading this book has opened his intellect to the reality that outer space exists, that the moon is a real place and separated from the earth by a real distance, that we actually live on a floating round planet, and so forth. It's so fun watching him get excited about it.

My favorite part about reading it is the end of the book. The little girl is looking up at the moon, and the text says, "Do you think you'll ever go to the moon?"

Every time, Enoch matter-of-factly says, "Yep" or "Yeah".

The way he casually thinks it's a likely possibility that he will get to visit the moon is so endearing. For the moment, he seems to have a dream, and it's fun.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Just remembered several weeks ago when Enoch suddenly started reciting the sacrament prayers. He got almost half way through and did a good job! Sometimes I don't realize that he listens to everything.

Also, yesterday Enoch told Michael: you sit on the little chair because you're a little boy. I'm a big boy and sit on the big chair.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Playing together

Yesterday Enoch and Michael were fighting constantly over the Duplos, mostly about the different cars. I took the Duplos away and said that since they couldn't share then nobody could play with them anymore for the rest of the day.

Interestingly, for the rest of the day they were both playing together a lot more than usual. And it was fun, imaginative play. Putting the laundry basket on each other's heads, etc. I think it's important to have time for that, with no TV or structured activities. It made me happy to see them having fun together.

Eye drop

The doctor prescribed eye drop for Enoch to use three times a day after his eye surgery. It has been so hard to give him eye drops every day. Yesterday Enoch wanted to watch Dora the Explorer. I told him to tell Daddy that he wants to get eye drops then watch Dora. He was super excited, and told daddy "Daddy I want to get eye drops then watch Dora!" But then when it was time to put eye drops in, he changed his mind. He didn't want to watch Dora any more because he didn't want to get eye drops. But Sam still gave him anyway because we didn't want him to sleep in bed all day to avoid eye drops :)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Turtle Enoch

Enoch has asked many times to watch Ninja Turtle because his new obsession-Leonardo turtle which was actually Sam's old toy. So even though it's not really age appropriate I put on a TMNT movie on for him today. And when I told him there is a turtle named Michael, he said he wanted to see turtle Enoch. Had to explain to him that Enoch is a very special name.


Ice taken Enoch swimming a few times at the local free city pool. He thought it was the best thing ever to go with just me and him. He would smile and say, "just me and you"! He's pretty timid swimming but its been fun to see him get more brave. I can go under water with him, he will put his face in the water, and he's starting to be willing to float on his back like an airplane. He sure hates jumping in the pool though!

Sunday, June 9, 2013


After dinner at a friend's house, enoch ran out the door and tripped and scraped his knees. He cried a lot. At one point he said, "I don't want to be ouchy!"

After crying the entire car ride home, he said, "看电视就好了". Went inside, put on bandaid and neosporin, and put on Ice Age.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Singing "Ring around the Rosie"


Yesterday we baby sat some friends kids -- Camilla and Luke Transtrum, children of Mark and Jenny. Enoch used to be infatuated with Camilla. When I came home from work, Enoch cried when he saw me and kept saying "Camilla" over and over again. He thought it would be her, not me. Enoch isn't the best socializer, however. When they came over, Michael was the one doing all the playing with Camilla. Eventually, Enoch went to his room and was playing on his bed. I had to go in there and tell him it was rude to not play with friends that come over, that he needed to be nice and come outside. That seemed to give him motivation to be more social. It's so interesting that he seems to have anxiety over social situations at a young age. We went and did stuff that he's good at with Camilla, like playing candy land and puzzles. This is probably going to be a challenge for him for a long, long time.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Sad finger puppets

I made finger puppets during FHE today, each finger representing a family member. Told a story where the Enoch puppet hurt his eye and how the other family members were going to pray for him. Thought it would teach Enoch about prayer. As soon as I said Enoch's eye hurts, however, Enoch got really upset and cried.

Then I told another story where Michael's hand got hurt and everyone was going to pray for him. Enoch again got really upset, but no crying this time.

Then I said we were done, but Enoch said "now it's time for daddy to fall down!"

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Picked up Enoch from nursery today. Asked him if he was a good boy. The nursery leader said, "Enoch's always a good boy".


Enoch likes to make up words sometimes, and when he does he thinks it's the funniest thing in the world. Previously, he used to say "angra", and he thought it was hilarious. Yesterday, he started to say "ripad", and laughed historically each time he said it. When I repeated it, he thought it was the best thing ever. I assume he's making a variation on the word ipad, and I love how clever he feels. Lovely moment.