Monday, December 1, 2014

Soccer star

Enoch didn't love soccer. Hopefully next year!

Bin guan and grandpa

Grandpa asked enoch where he stayed last night. He said that he stayed in a bin guan. Grandpa asked what a bin guan was. He said it was like a new house that is not yours but you can stay in it

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Surprise from Daddy

This morning daddy flew out for an interview and left Enoch and Michael each a little surprise: 2 small bags of pretzels and a note to each of them that says: To Enoch (Michael), Love Daddy. I told Enoch to read the notes and he did a great job! Then I had a idea to have them to write a thank you note to daddy. Michael wrote: LOVE Michael. Enoch Wrote: LOVE YOU DAD Thank you for giving us pretzels. He copied the last word "pretzels" wrong and was obsessed with writing a new note, so he ended up with 3 notes and it took about 20 mins before breakfast... ;)

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Big booty.

Hey Mommy said that her bottom was small, so she could share a seat with enoch at the YMCA lounge. Enoch said Don't lie Mommy, your bottom is big big big big big! Had to tell him that girls don't like it when you say that.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Junk and Bowling

Sometimes I make fun of Sharon for spending time on the local Facebook barter and sell page, but it's all in jest because its great how she gets rid of our junk and buys new, maybe better junk. She snagged this bowling set for $5! What a deal. The kids loved playing with it. Although Enoch learned the hard way not to walk in front of someone who is about to throw the ball (michael wacked him, but it was Enoch's fault). We kissed his nose to make him feel better and I said ewwww and he laughed like nothing was wrong.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Happy angry pumpkin

Michael wanted a scary pumpkin and Enoch wanted happy. We did two faces on one pumpkin

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Owl Babies

Tonight Enoch "read" the entire book of "Owl Babies" word to word to us!!! He memorized "Good Night Moon" when he was two but I'm pretty sure tonight he really recognized and read a lot of words. That is so awesome!! One of the best moments of parenthood! You should see Sam's and My dropped jaws...  I only hope he has such passion for Chinese some day!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014


(Oct 21)Michael didn't get to eat icecream after Enoch's soccer practice today for wetting his pants. Michael of course cried really hard. Enoch said, "but I want Michael to eat icecream..." We told him no and explained that it was a punishment. Then Enoch told Michael "Michael, go say sorry to mommy and daddy." Michael came to me but eventually didn't say anything. Then it was time to eat icecream. Enoch said " I want to save some icecream in my bowl for Michael." BEST BIG BROTHER EVER!!

Baby Sister

Today (Oct 20) we were reading a book about "little brother", I asked them how many little brothers they have. Of course after answering my question, Enoch said" But I don't have any sisters. When are we going to have a little sister?" Good question! I said" I don't know. Maybe if mommy have another baby, you might have a little sister..." Then Enoch said, "Well, I think tomorrow (I think he meant next time) it's still going to be a little brother. Mommy" Smarty Pants!

Monday, October 20, 2014

baby sister

Today we were reading a book about "little brother", I asked them how many little brothers they have. Of course after answering my question, Enoch said" But I don't have any sisters. When are we going to have a little sister?" Good question! I said" I don't know. Maybe if mommy have another baby, you might have a little sister..." Then Enoch said, "Well, I think tomorrow (I think he meant next time) it's still going to be a little brother. Mommy" Smarty Pants! 

Monday, October 13, 2014


Enoch had a melt down in his soccer game today. He just has no desire to be aggressive and run into a group of kids and kick wildly. He loves to play at home with me but he just doesn't see the thrill of playing with 12 other kids on the field. During the game he started crying and said he didn't want to play anymore.

Luckily, Sharon had the brilliant idea to make him the goalie. He loved it. He even stopped a goal once, and had a giant smile.

I think eventually he will find his courage, but I love knowing that we have a kind hearted little boy.

And Enoch, just so you know, I was never super aggressive either. I think I did well in soccer as a little kid, but when I got older I was never aggressive enough to do well in basketball. Didn't want to hurt anybody!

Friday, October 10, 2014

marry me or I'm going to be angry

Lindsey and Brandon Harper went to a dinner tonight, so we watched their kids. We used to be decent friends, but they moved to Katy so we see them less often. They have a 4 year old girl named Violet and a 2 year old named Charlie. Enoch and Michael had a great time playing with them tonight. It was fun to see how happy they were playing.

Late in the night, Enoch said: "violet can you please marry me when i grow up because if you don't marry me when I grow up then I'm going to be angry"

Thursday, October 2, 2014


30 minutes after enoch went to bed, he started crying inconsolably. Turns out he was sad he didn't get to finish his popcorn he was eating at 5

First report card

Sunday, September 28, 2014

soccer and building confidence

Yesterday Enoch had his first soccer game. He runs around and plays hard with me at home, but he was completely intimidated with all the other kids. He mostly just walked around and made funny faces, looking at the ground, while the other kids chased the ball around. If the ball came towards him, he would walk away. It's hard as a parent because we just want him to have fun and run around and kick the ball. Sounds pretty doable to me and I remember loving soccer when I was 4-5, but I guess it intimadates Enoch. We went home and played soccer outside and I kicked the ball really hard at him all the time, knocking him over a lot. I tried to convince him that I'm bigger and meaner than the other kids, so if he can play with me than he can play with the other kids. Hopefully it worked. Told him that as long as he tries, we are happy, but he has to at least try. Next week he promised to try to run around and kick the ball.

Hopefully he gains some confidence! If he would try and believe in himself, he would actually be quite good. He's good with me at home, that's for sure!

what does this mean?

The primary choruster told us that Enoch is the shyest kid in primary... but he's also the only one who memorized his line for the primary program and said it loudly and clearly.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Primary program

The primary program was today. Enoch had the following line:

"I can gain a testimony of Jesus Christ by singing primary songs."

I know it because Sharon practiced with Enoch over and over again. He had it memorized and said it very well without needing help. He was very proud of himself and it was very fun. He was one of the only kids in his group to memorize his line. Many people complimented Sharon throughout the day. Good job Sharon and Enoch!

Yesterday, in the rehearsal, Enoch was too nervous to say his line. He also didn't sing anything. On the car ride home, he wanted to turn the music up loud. I made a deal with him that we would turn the music up loud if he sang loud in church. I think it worked, because today I occasionally saw him mouthing some words. On the way home from church today, he reminded us that he sang a "little bit" louder in church, so we should turn up the music in the car for him.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Brothers hug and kiss goodbye

Yesterday was the last day when parents can walk kids to their classrooms. I brought my camera and made sure we were not late like the first two days. Took some precious pictures. 

Michael gave Enoch a hug and kiss goodbye. They were so cute! Just melts my heart to see them so loving towards each other! 

Enoch started pre-K

Enoch started pre-K this past Monday. He loves it and tells me every night that he wants to go to school tomorrow too. 

First day of Pre-K pictures:

Thursday, August 21, 2014


today enoch and michael had a conversation at dinner today. Enoch had a meet the teachers day at his preschool. It was actually in Chinese but it's easier for me to type English.

Enoch -- They had lots of toys.
Michael -- What toys did they have?
Enoch -- I don't know
Michael -- Did they have duplos and cars?
Enoch -- No. They had lots of other toys.
Michael -- What toys do they have?
Enoch -- I don't know

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Grow up

The time has come that Enoch refused to let Michael go pee pee together with him... They used to have so much fun doing it together! (Silly boys!!!) Now Michael got so sad that he told me he doesn't want to go pee pee any more. The sad thing about growing up ;-)

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Peter can't sleep without me

Enoch doesn't usually nap, but sometimes he tries and ends up sitting on his bed for an hour+ stairing into space. The other day Sharon was going to send Peter to nap alone, but Enoch said something like, "But Peter can't sleep without me", so he went into the room and stared into space while Peter fell asleep. It is true that Peter gets mad if he's the only one who gets sent to bed. Enoch is a great brother and has a loving soul.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Enoch started swim lessons this week

Today is the third day. He did great except that he didn't go under water to grab a toy that the teacher asked him to. Daddy asked him to do it tomorrow, we will see if he can overcome his fear! 

Monday, June 30, 2014

important places.

enoch and michael just drew on the etch a sketch a map of what seemed to be important places. enoch pointed to all the little squares saying this is our house, this is the church, this is the park, this is the temple, and this is mcdonalds!

mens bathroom

yesterday at church enoch asked me why the men's bathroom only had 1 toilet but the women's had a lot. I explained that woman have small bladders and pee a lot

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Turtle for Grandma

Enoch drew a great turtle today for grandma Jayne's birthday. So proud! Here is a picture: 

Monday, May 26, 2014

daddy's wrong

just watched a cartoon (小虎还乡) with Enoch. Two yellow tigers helped the white tiger escape the bad guys. Enoch is convinced that the yellow tigers were bad guys and he wouldn't listen to me explain that they were good tigers. He kept saying that daddy was wrong, that the tigers were bad tigers..... He's 4 years old and already convinced he is smarter than me!

Thursday, May 22, 2014


The kids and I used to have a joke where we would say 抱歉歉 instead of 抱歉. They thought it was hilarious. Just thought I would write that down.


Recently the kids have been getting really into poop jokes. It's like they discovered potty humor all by themselves! At dinner one day they started spelling each other's names, but saying "poop" instead of the last syllable. "ENOC Poop!" "MICHAE Poop!" They thought it was hilarious. Then one day they did the same thing but said "ENOC 屁股!" "MICHAE 屁股!"

Monday, May 12, 2014

Sang a song at church for the very first time!

Yesterday was mother's day. Enoch sang a song with all the primary kids at church sacrament meeting. I was so impressed with how great he did. They didn't practice at church at all because all the changes and chaos. So it was even more impressive that Enoch actually sang in front of so many people and didn't get scared of it! We did practice at home a few times because primary president has asked us to. The song they sang was "Mother, I love you". I cried during the singing and couldn't believe that Enoch is already old enough. So proud!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Pee in my pants

Went to the beach for a first time in a long time a couple of weeks ago. We were teaching the kids that it's OK to pee in their pants when they are in the water. On the way home, Enoch excitedly said "I peed in my pants!" He was very proud of himself. Unfortunately the car seat was soaking wet in his urine. Good job, Enoch...

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Going potty in the park all by yourself

Michael is just potty trained and I still bring his little frog potty when we go out. I usually remembers to ask Michael if he needs to go potty but yesterday at the playgroup I forgot until a couple of hours later. I asked both Enoch and Michael if they need to go potty, and both of them said that they already went potty! I asked them where. Michael pointed at a tree next to the fence, and Enoch pointed at some bushes in the different direction... OK, my boys can take care of their potty needs when they are out and about. Kind of embarrassing though, maybe we should reinforce no peeing in public rule :-)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Bribing them into college

After put Michael and Peter to nap, I asked Enoch if he wanted to practice writing Chinese, he said "No, mom, I don't want to today." 
Me:" Well, then what do you want to do?" 
E:" I want to practice writing on the ipad." 
Me:"No, we are not going to get the ipad out today. But if you learn to write chinese 1-10, then I'll give you a dollar." 
E:" Oh, mom, I like to write it today." 
Yep, bribing them into college-here we go.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Easter FHE

After having an FHE about Easter: Michael said " Baby Jesus came out of the eggs like baby chicks. " And Enoch asked "Where did baby Jesus come out of Mary?" Yay Great! 

Friday, April 4, 2014

crying when you lose

A few days ago I was playing memory with Enoch and Michael. The second time we played I showed no mercy and kicked their butts. They both cried... I felt sort of guilty! But not really.... :-)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Drawing talent

We recently noticed that Enoch can draw, and not just that, he can draw really well! Last Sunday at primary, he drew the sun really well. This Sunday they were talking about fish and other things in the water, he drew two beautiful turtles. His teacher was amazed at how well he can draw and so were we! We are so proud! So today we put a binder together to keep Enoch's drawings. I see lots and lots beautiful drawings coming out his hands. Love you Enoch! 

Saturday, March 15, 2014


杰凯打了杰龙,杰龙开始哭起来,一边哭一边要告状说"妈妈。。。"杰凯赶紧跟杰龙说"妈妈很忙,不要问妈妈问题!" (来阻止杰龙告状)。

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Got home from school early today. Started OBGYN this week and have been gone 13-14 hours a day. It's been a hard transition since I have been home studying for STEP1 for the past several months. I miss the kids while I am gone and am sad I have little time to play. Today I got home at 3:30 and was happy to spend the afternoon playing with them. Peter is crawling all over the place. Michael has quite the little temper but is quick to be adorable and loving. Enoch is the sweetest boy and so intelligent. I tickled Enoch and Michael to wake them from their naps and took them outside to pick the wild flowers in our yard. We gave them to an old neighbor family across the street. Then we planted some pea pods that I bought from home depot a while back. Weather should be just right for them. It was fun because it has been raining a lot recently and there were tons of worms in the compost pile. I think it was Enoch and Michael's first time playing with worms. They loved it. They weren't too afraid to hold them and let them crawl all over.

I feel so blessed to have wonderful kids and a wonderful wife.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sacrament meeting

Michael loves to do puzzles during sacrament meeting and enoch loves to color or practice writing. They both spent half the meeting working on these in the picture. At the end of the meeting enoch wasnt done yet and got stressed out that he didnt have time to finish, so he started scribbling in the last letter. Enoch also was playing adorably with Peter. Some of his happiest moments seem to come when he is playing with peter.

During the sacrament today, Enoch also said, quite loudly, daddy I got a big one! Truly, he did grab a big piece of bread.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Enoch is funny!

1, I was adding honey to my oatmeal this morning.
Enoch: Mommy, do you know who likes to eat honey?
I: Well, then do you know who likes to eat honey?
Michael: The pooh bear
I: Michael is right, it's pooh bear.
Enoch: No, it's not right.
I: Then who do you think like to eat honey?
Enoch: US!! :)

2, Lindsey Harper and her kids Violet and Charlie came to play.
Lindsey sneezed.
Enoch: Sister Harper, What did you do?
Lindsey: I just sneezed.
Enoch: Why do you sneeze?
Lindsey: Cause my nose is itching.
Enoch: Why?
Lindsey: Cause...
Enoch: Is that because you are not pretty?
Haha Sorry Lindsey but it's funny!

3, After our friends left,

Enoch: It's not fun to have a friend over.
Me: It's not fun?
Enoch: Yes
Me: Why?
Enoch: Because I don't like them to break my bridge (build with duplo). 
Me: OK...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hairy arms

Enoch keeps asking me why I have hair and spots on my arms. I tell him it's so I can stay warm and look cool.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

8 again

Today enoch counted his grapes and said he had 8 grapes at dinner. Then he ate one. Then he counted his grapes and said 我又有8个! The idea that he miscounted the first time was way over his head 😃

Friday, February 14, 2014

wake up

Enoch refused to get out of his bed after his nap. I started to make dinner and thought that I should wake up Enoch so he doesn't stay late tonight. I told Michael to get Enoch up and Michael went, came back saying that Enoch is too tired. I then asked Michael to go again, and tell Enoch that I would take away his bunny if he doesn't get up. Michael refused to go this time. I could not leave the kitchen at the time, so I was thinking how I could get Michael to do this job for me and that I could also get Enoch up. So I remembered that Michael had finished his valentines (some chocolate), and Enoch's is still on the table. So I told Michael to ask Enoch if he could have Enoch's valentines... And Michael got up from playing and excited ran to their room to ask Enoch. 10 seconds later I saw Enoch came running, he said "Michael can not eat my valentine." Haha I found just the solution!

Monday, February 3, 2014


I had the hiccups today for about an hour and a half. It was the first time I've had hiccups in years. Enoch and Michael thought it was hilarious! Every 7 seconds, a hiccup would come, and they would burst out laughing. I was trying to do the dishes and supervise them as they cleaned up the toys. Needless to say, with all the laughing it took a long time to do anything. It was a wonderful evening.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Pooping by myself

Once at Grandma and Grandpa's house, and once here, Sharon and I have been about to go to bed only to discover poop in the little frog potty. Usually Enoch just pees in there and poops on the big toilet, and then we wipe his bottom. So it was no surprise when we checked on him, he was sleeping peacefully like he always does, but when we pulled down his pants there was poop everywhere. The next day he had little recollection of any of it, although he did seem slightly embarrassed. Poor guy just gets so tired and doesn't know what to do.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


You are obsessed with turtles. I draw them for you frequently. You got a tmnt uno set for Christmas. Drew this for you today and you loved it!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Constipated and afraid of dying

A few days ago Enoch was constipated. It was a bit traumatic, and a hard piece of poop was stuch halfway out of his butt. We knew he was having a hard time when he wasn't singing on the potty like he usually was. Sharon went to help him get the poop out, and told him he was having htis problem because he didn't drink enough water.

He was crying, and said, "Mommy I don't want to go on top. Grandma and Grandpa's Michael went on top."

He vaguely learned about death when Sharon talked about the star on the Christmas tree and told them about my little brother Michael that died. His way of talking about death is going "on top".

He thought he was going to die from constipation! Sharon told him he wasn't going to go "on top", that sometimes Mommy gets constipated, that it's OK and it happens to everyone when they don't drink enough water.

Sharon said he wiped his eyes and suddenly cheered up, then pooped a little bit later.

It was heart breaking that he worried about dying! He is such a deep little thinker, that little boy of ours. I hope he doesn't feel the need to worry about that kind of thing in the future!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Good big brothers

This morning I was really tired after tending to Peter's cries between 5 to 6 am. I finally gave up and fed him formula around 6 and put him back to bed. When I got up around 7:30am, I found that the door to Peter's room (mom's laundry room) was open, and then I found that there were many toys and a size 3 diaper in Peter's pack n play. Peter was really happy just playing inside. As I was picking up Peter, Michael came in and dropped off some more toys in the pack n play. So I asked if he has been giving Peter toys. And he said yes. Then later when I talked to Enoch, he said that he gave Peter toys too but not the diaper. So I guess both of them have been giving Peter toys to keep him happy and even a diaper for a "diaper change". Such good big brothers! 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Smartest 3 year old

Last week Enoch's sunbeam teacher said he is the smartest three year old he's ever seen. This week he said he is the most well behaved kid he's ever seen.

Enoch's first weeks in primary are going well. I think he is a little intimidated because he does not know all the new songs, but he likes all the one on one time with teachers.

Monday, January 6, 2014


Yesterday was fast sunday. On the car ride home, Sharon was explaining to Enoch about fasting and why we fast. Enoch looked at her and said 妈妈你要饿死了!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

First Day of Primary

Enoch started his first day of primary class today in Tucson! He did awesome! One teacher said Enoch song "I'm a child of God" song really well. And the other said that Enoch is the smartest three year old he has ever seen! I'm a proud mama!