Saturday, December 24, 2016

Re: West Saguaro National Park Wasson Peak Hike

On Dec 24, 2016 9:18 AM, "Sharon Rogers" <> wrote:
Yesterday we hiked the Wasson Peak at West Saguaro National Park. It is about 7.4 miles both ways, Enoch and Michael hiked all by themselves!! So proud! Peter did great too, walked half way up and two thirds of way down. Mom carried Peter with a baby backpack carrier. 

West Saguaro National Park Wasson Peak Hike

Yesterday we hiked the Wasson Peak at West Saguaro National Park. It is about 7.4 miles both ways, Enoch and Michael hiked all by themselves!! So proud! Peter did great too, walked half way up and two thirds of way down. Mom carried Peter with a baby backpack carrier. 

Friday, December 9, 2016

Ginger bread men

"What would you do if you were an elf?" Enoch: I am a good elf because I work for long hours. I will bake lots of sad ginger bread men. I will also bake lots crying and mad ginger bread men. I will put them in cold containers. As you can see, I will be a good elf. 

Thursday, December 1, 2016


Heard Enoch educating Michael and Peter: If Santa is magical, then ghosts and zombies are real!" Not sure what to say to that. Hmmm.. Sam said it might be Enoch's last year believing in Santa😥

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Sharon Rogers" <>
Date: Dec 1, 2016 7:48 PM
Subject: Santa
To: "blogenoch" <>, "blogpeter" <>, "blogmichael" <>

Heard Enoch educating Michael and Peter: If Santa is magical, then ghosts and zombies are real!" Not sure what to say to that. Hmmm.. Sam said it might be Enoch's last year believing in Santa😥

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Loves his books

Enoch loves his books, and read books all the time. When he reads books he forgets everything else that he is supposed to do, like change out of his pajamas, eat breakfast, getting ready to leave the house whatever. Sometimes I have to force him to put down his books just so we can get on time with things.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Writing Chinese characters

Enoch and Michael had been writing Chinese characters to win stars so they can play Minecraft😉

White Star

Enoch just won 10 points from the star system and got to play Minecraft for an hour last night. This morning he volunteered to throw away trash around the house so he could get a white star. 😂

Sunday, July 24, 2016


I made a fancy smoothie for dinner and heated up dumplings. Mid dinner Enoch kept on going on about"why is this all we are having, can you make some more food..."

Spoiled little shit

Michael also frequently says "women Zhi chi zhexie ma?"

Spoiled little shit

Thursday, July 21, 2016


Enoch told Michael that there is one thing I hate about kindergarten. You write so much with pencils on the paper. I hate writing. You have to write so much...

Just to be fair, Enoch writes little books about our dog Daisy all the time. He write about games too. He loves  writing things just for fun. We had a good laugh at what Enoch said to Michael.

Monday, July 18, 2016

First Day of School!

Today is the first day of kindergarten for Michael and the first day of first grade for Enoch. It's an emotional day for Peter to be the one left out😖

Peter got to eat his lunch pack at 8:30 this morning 😂

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Baby bird

Parenting fail: was excited to show the kids the bird nest in the backyard. Lifted up Peter so he could see, which scared the mommy bird who flew away, knocking one of the two baby birds out of the nest, who was instantly grabbed and killed by the dog, which made Enoch start bawling. Trying to convince Enoch that bird brains are so small the mom will forget it all happened and be happy with the remaining chic...

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Color by number

Enoch made this for russells birthday. Its a color by number of a turtle in bottom, volcano on top

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Writing mirror images

Enoch has been writing mirror imaging letters... like this one. You can only read it through the mirror.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Little geniuses

The piano teacher today, Ms Su, told another parent that Enoch and Michael are little geniuses. 


Enoch stayed up late the night before his graduation and folded all the blankets on his bed. HE wanted his bed to look nice for his graduation day :-)

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Enoch's bucket list is so down to earth 😂

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Easily distracted or love reading ?

Enoch was supposed to change out his pajamas... and i found him naked reading a book in their room. I guess he stopped half way to read a book. I cant say if he was easily distracted, or he just loves reading books or both. Its funny non the less

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Reading together

Its so cute to see them climbing up the empty top bunk to read together! Brothers who read together stay together!😀

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Re: Paper flower for mommy

Update: I was trying to set the flower somewhere and Enoch went to upgrad the flower with its self standing Paper Pot

On Apr 24, 2016 9:10 AM, "Sharon Rogers" <> wrote:

Enoch made this cute paper flower all by himself!

Paper flower for mommy

Enoch made this cute paper flower all by himself!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Re: Kite

On Apr 19, 2016 5:39 PM, "Sharon Rogers" <> wrote:

Enoch made this beautiful kite


Enoch made this beautiful kite

Monday, April 11, 2016

Rings for mommy

Enoch made me these rings out of paper and stickers. He colored the white paper pink. Its so thoughtful and sweet!

Saturday, April 9, 2016


Enoch likes to draw and cut with scissors. He made this airplane and cut out our last name, glued the names onto the airplane. It's very hard to cut out letters for adults, let alone for a barely 6 year old.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Enoch turned 6!!!

Enoch turned 6 on March 16th. What a big boy now!!

This past year, Enoch did amazing in kindergarten which is Chinese immersion.

As Enoch's teachers said, he is reading between 2nd to 4th graders' reading levels. He is a fast reader and can comprehend well at the same time. Enoch is in accelerated reading club where only a few of the kids get elected into. He is doing great in it. 

Drawing is Enoch's another passion. He can be absorbed in drawing for a long long time. Thus our house has almost unlimited printer papers that we stocked up. Michael and Peter had gotten into loving drawing as well. I like it when they sit around the table to draw, cause that gives me some quiet time to do stuff. Enoch pays lots of attention to details and can draw and cut very precisely. He is such a perfectionist!

Recently Enoch started to write "books" with chapters. He would cut paper and staple them together to make book pages. And then write stories on the "books". His favorite books to write is about our dog Daisy. He would come to us and very proudly read the "book" to us. 

His Chinese teacher said that Enoch is also really good with math, since math is taught in Chinese. Sometimes he would do math problems at home by himself just for fun. And sign his Chinese name on the practice paper. 

Enoch played soccer and baseball during the past school year. He likes baseball better than soccer, mainly because baseball is less competitive than soccer. Sports is not Enoch's strong suit and he often tells me that "mommy, I just don't like sports." But we make him at least try it out. 

This past year was really challenging on Enoch's nose condition. All the moving around sure didn't help with his rhinitis. We tried a lot of different things, and went through a lot of frustrations, but we are so glad that the nasal saline rinse seems to work the best for him. Being able to breath, eat and sleep, function normally instead of having to wipe your nose very so often definitely helped to increase his life quality. That is a big accomplishment for sure!

Enoch is such an intelligent, creative and sweet boy. We love him and are so proud to be his parents. Happy 6th birthday Enoch!

Friday, March 4, 2016

Kinder Round up

We went to that kindergarten roundup at mesquite elementary school yesterday. Michael was able to ride school bus and sing wheels on the bus song with the kindergarten teachers there. He was really excited about it! We also stayed afterwards to eat lunch with Enoch at school and I realized that I have not eaten lunch with Enoch at school yet so it was really fun to do that. We will have a first grader and a kindergartner next year;)

Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday, February 15, 2016


Enoch did this for fun today. I had absolutely no part in it. I remember being about 5 and thinking math was fun too. He is my son!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

thinking you are smarter than us

Enoch, over the past 2 months you have started to develop an obnoxious habit of thinking you are smarter than Mom and I in pretty much every way imaginable. You insist you know how to play piano better than I do, how to fight better than I do, and if there is ever something that you disagree with me about, such as how 300+300=600, you insist that I'm wrong and simply won't believe me. This actually frustrates me more than I thought it would. I grew up as the youngest in my family and never had a chance to prove my superiority to my siblings since they were so much older and knew so much more. You, however, know more than almost all your classmates and of course more than your siblings, so I understand why you would think that you are one of the smartest boys in the world. And, you very well might be. You might even eventually be smarter than me someday. But that time has not come yet! And everything you are you owe to us. I taught you how to read, I taught you how to count, how to do math. Mom taught you Chinese. Mom and I gave you our smart genes. I hope you don't forget that!

And so, this was the time when I decided to start teaching you humility. I used to let you win in various games we play, but not anymore. Every time you disagree with me, I won't rest until I prove to you in a way that you can't deny that I am right and you are wrong. I want you to grow up into a confident young man, but also a young man who respects his father. It might be a bit selfish, I know, but it's good for you as well :-)